Saturday, August 16, 2008

Axis Bank Website is Not Opening Since Yesterday

Its very strange that the website of one of the big bank, AXIS, is not getting opened since yesterday!! (August 15, 08). How come one of the best bank is not able to put its website live? There is not even any email regarding this. The site is - Do anybody has success in opening since yesterday? If yes, please let me know.


Anonymous said...

Even today the bank website not working..

It sucks..

Anonymous said...

Even today the bank website not working..

It sucks..

generic viagra said...

Yeah well you know, banks sometimes work in a miraculous way... I mean, if we all know they steal money from us and still use them, it's because of an almost miraculous reason.

HispanicMagazine said...

Space Summary. Itemizing each functional space and determining square footage allocations is essential in determining total building square footage and establishing a realistic construction budget.
Instructional Technology. New applications of instructional technology planned of the near future and considered for the distant future should be described program by program and in terms of building-wide plans.
Functional Relationship. Each program space should be described in terms of its functional relationship to other activities. Functional relationships should also be established between department, such as math and science, English and the media center, and administration and guidance.

Hispanic Magazine said...

State of New Mexico Public School Facilities Authority Educational Specifications Process Checklist: Resource Document.
Outlines steps and provides worksheets for creating educational specifications. These include the formation of the educational specifications committee, suggested agendas for work sessions, program requirements worksheets, sample program requirement narratives, square footage guidelines, and a suggested table of contents for the final specifications document. 27p.

Hispanic Students said...

The High School of the Future: A Focus on Technology.
Merritt, Edwin; Beaudin, James; Sells, Jeffrey
Offers guidance to ensure that high schools built today serve tomorrow's educational needs, use technological advances to control burgeoning square footages, and accommodate community groups and other after-hours users. It is written for boards of education, school building committees, district superintendents, and other decision-makers. Methods for involving stakeholders in the specifications, design, and project management are detailed. General and curriculum-specific design issues are covered along with conceptual drawings. Indoor air quality, technology, and accessibility considerations are covered in individual chapters. (Includes 11 references.) 151p.
TO ORDER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 4501 Forbes Blvd., Suite 200, Lanham, MD, 20706; Tel: 800-462-6420

Deepika said...

try this. its working :)

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